This is the 3rd year of Inktober. Due to my accident in 2010 I didn’t participate other than doing a couple of drawings. The challenge could have ended there for me. However, in 2011 I wanted to try it for real again and really dig in to it, using the challenge as a way to make a complete story. I was inspired by one of the first drawings I made with a brush pen: a little rabbit and his big best buddy bear driving in a car along the the north east coast.

Below you’ll see the drawings that came from the challenge, as well as a few blog posts that survived the all these years off of the internet.

Day 1

Happy first day of INKtober everyone!

Any of you reading this are more than welcome to celebrate INKtober in your own way.  Whether you pick up a brush pen or quill and scribble out a couple drawings, or you go the whole 9 yards and do a new drawing each day , it’s a great way to stretch yourself as an artist by getting back to one of the most basic forms of art.  If you do participate let me know and I’ll give you a shout out here.

Last time I celebrated INKtober I drew a new ink drawing for each day of the month of October.  This time I plan on doing the same, but instead of doing random drawings of things I like  I want to take the opportunity to try and tell a story.  I’ve been thinking long and hard about what to do and even sat down and got into the fourth page of a sci-fi story about a crashed astronaut before scrapping it.  Just wasn’t feeling it.

Then I remembered these guys, who, since first drawing them, have set up a permanent home in the back of my mind.  I’ve been drawing them a lot off and on the last couple years, keeping them tucked in my back pocket not ready to really do anything with them.  But I came back from a trip to New York recently and felt like I should dust them off and play with them a little.

So that’s what I’m going to do this month.  I’m drawing a story with Christopher Carrot and Benson Grizzlyton (best friends forever) better known as just C.C. and Benson.  I don’t know how this story is going to pan out.  I haven’t written anything down.  I just have some ideas about where I want to take them  and the rest will be flying by the seat of my pants.

See you again tomorrow!

Day 2

And the story begins on a moonlit night in front of the city museum…

I’ve heard from a handful of folks that are participating in INKtober.  Lot’s of great drawings posted already!  Here’s the list so far: Ben writes from Australia telling me he’s doing a month of Wizard of Oz drawings. Sounds cool!

day 3

The month of INKtober is in it’s third day! If you missed it over the weekend I’ve started INKtober again and am doing a story with my new characters C.C. and Benson.  You can read more about that here.  Also, be sure to check out yesterday’s post where I listed a handful of others who are celebrating INKtober by doing a new pen and ink drawing everyday this month.

If you’re looking for some nice inky inspiration look no further than SkottieScott who are creating a collaborative comic and are making it up as they go along.  It’s amazing so far and I’m excited to see how it pans out.

More INKtoberists:

Are you participating in INKtober? Let me know and I’ll give you a shout out here.

day 5

Your INKtober inspiration for the day: Anthony Holden.  I could look at this guy’s stuff all day.

day 6

Mean while, the following morning…

day 7

day 8

day 9

day 10

day 11

day 12

day 13

day 14

day 15

day 16

day 17

day 18

day 19

day 20

day 21

day 22

day 23

day 24

day 25

day 26

day 27

That fox is slippery!

day 28

day 29

Just 3 days left!

day 30

Have a nice Sunday folks!

day 31

In the fifth grade my bike was stolen twice by the same thief.  Luckily, I got back both times, but not because he returned it to my doorstep with a thank you note attached.  No, my bike thief was of a much lower caliber than Faustus Fox.

day 32

That’s it for the C.C. and Benson story.  I had a lot of fun with it and I hope you guys liked it.  I’ve never done a story like this without dialogue.  It forced me to do things I wouldn’t normally do.  And if anything this has been a month long exercise in economy of storytelling.  I have a a dozen or so thumbnails for pages I ended up not using because I figured out a more efficient way to tell whats going on.

Thanks for hanging in there everyone!  And please let me know if I should do more with these guys or not.